Join us for Movie Night this Thursday!
Taming Wild — Thursday, July 29th @ 7:00pm, Wildsong Ranch

We are excited to be watching the documentary "Taming Wild" with you all this Thursday! The human protagonist, Elsa Sinclair, kept asking herself the burning question: "What if horses were given a choice? Would they let us ride them? Without force or tools to control, and without bribes to lure them?"

As a result, she adopted a wild mustang off of the range and trained her with no tools, treats or fences, just body language. This movie shows "the ups and downs, the trials and frustrations, and the beauty and persevering truths connection brings in its wake".

We speak about choice very often in our classes, and we explore it at the deepest level we are able to in our training. We feel (and hope!) that Elsa's experience will add an immense piece to our choice-related awareness and conversations!

Cost: suggested cash donation at the door!  
How to enroll: 

Book your spot(s) for Movie Night (donations at the door)!